Friday, 16 August 2013

Its IHSW Time and Another Page Done...

This weekend is International Hermit Stitching Weekend, if you are interested in taking part please visit 'Random Ramblings' to sign up.

IHSW 16th - 18th August 2013...
I am hoping to really move on this next page of Gaia as I am falling behind with my targets.  So here is the update of her at the moment, I have only 2 pages until I complete the second row.

16 Pages Completed....

From a distance...
So I have completed 16 pages, which is approximately 103,714 stitches completed - that is the most I have ever stitched.  Now to finish the remaining 26 pages!!!! 

I will be back on Monday with my IHSW update...

Have a great weekend everyone...


  1. Honey I'd be lucky to put in 100K stitches a YEAR not to mention at the rate you've been trucking along with this piece! You've been doing wonderfully! Keep it up :)

    1. Thank you, I am quite lucky that I get plenty of stitching time. xx

  2. Wow! Great progress :) stunning colors

  3. Wow, Gaia is looking fantastic!

  4. Echoing the WOW, here! Stunning, absolutely stunning work!

    1. Deb - Thank you for the kind words, so kind of you. xx

  5. This is gorgeous! It's going to be beautiful finished.


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